Log In To Register Your Tree

Then follow the chainsaw and log out.

Or turn away from any webpage that asks you to create an account, log in, provide a password, or bend over and smile for the camera. The business of turning on is starting to be a turn-off.

We all have enough complexity in our lives already – tying your shoelaces and going to the toilet unsupervised is an enormous responsibility and requires a good deal of concentrated effort. Ask a 4-year old. They know.

Adding one more onion layer of memory to the vegetable we have all been carrying is starting to pall. I actively avoid items that require me to enter into another connection – stores that just hand me the goods in exchange for the cash get the cash…and I get gone. Likewise net pages that want me to sign up to read them remain a mystery – and in most cases I am better for it.

Go-on. Try it for yourself. The next time someone demands that you utter an electronic shibboleth or give a digital secret handshake…refuse. You’ll save time and money in the long run.

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