If You Are A Good Person…

This is hypothetical, you understand.

We still have not got the report back from the Department’s surveillance unit so we cannot draw a final conclusion, yet.

But if you are, to which standard of morality are you adhering? The one that prevailed when you were a small child, the one current during your college years, or today’s model? Where do you stand on the pressing issues of the day, and what are they?

Can you tell me your mind, or only those of others? Are your words ideas, memes, or slogans? Can you admit your own thoughts, or do you shy away from them?

In response to your unspoken question, yes. Yes, I am a good person in many circumstances. I am fine at a dinner party and cope well with public speaking. I am safe in shops and art galleries. I shine in museums and libraries, and quietly ( with the exception of the whining noise I make when I see the prices they charge for refreshments in the galleries. Art for the sake of art is all very well, but there should also be cake for the sake of cake…).

I would be useless in a bar fight or sporting contest. Good comes in various forms.

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